Monday, May 11, 2009

Faithful in training but not in blogging

I have been totally unfaithful in blogging here. To be truthful, I was disappointed in the lack of participation from those that had expressed interest in joining us in the challenge and I started to look on this blog as a waste of time and effort. Add to that my sister, who has been helping me with this blog and is the only one that I know for sure is still interested in doing this challenge with me, has been plagued by injuries and has had to take a rest from running. Sooooooo....the blog has been on the back burner for a while.

I've been arguing with myself lately about keeping up with this blog or just sharing about my journey on my personal blog. I have decided to try, at least for a while, keeping this on the go and we'll see what happens. The format of the blog posts here, however, will change. We had been trying to do 2 posts a week with the first post of the week being a posting giving the goals to shoot for that week, according to where we were in the Couch to 5k training program, and the second post of the week being a kind of report in/encouraging post. I've decided to forget the goal giving posts and just do updates of how I am doing, hoping that it will encourage someone else. While I liked the goal posts I really want to encourage everyone to set their own goals, whatever they may be. Hopefully when my sister gets back on track she'll join in with some posts too. Hopefully we'll also hear from you as to how you are doing.

Thankfully, even though I've been slack with blogging, I have been doing great with training! The whole month of March and April, and continuing into this month, I have been steadily working on setting a routine and goals that work for me. From 12:30 - 1:30 every weekday my rec room turns into my gym. I don't always start right on at 12:30 because sometimes I have to clear away the toys before I can start but I have been managing to get in at least 40 minutes of walking/running every weekday. I start off with just slow walking for at least 5 minutes and then a little faster for at least 5 minutes, and then I break into my running, which would probably be considered fast walking by most people but it's the pace I can handle right now. I've managed to slowly and steadily work my way up so that today I actually ran for 25 minutes straight! After that I slow the pace but keep walking for at least 10 minutes as a cool down. I find the warm ups and cool downs are very, very important to me because it helps me not end totally worn out.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about managing to run for 25 minutes straight today, and I didn't even feel winded. I don't know if I'll manage that again tomorrow or not but I am hoping too. We'll see what happens. I've been managing to do 20 minutes straight most days for almost two weeks now.

Soooooo, how are you doing? I'd love to hear about it.


  1. That is very cool :-) I really need a scheduled time to exercise, and I keep wishing the weather would warm up. Benjamin and I like to run/walk -- he's a great motivator for me.

    Keep it up, Jacqueline!

  2. Keep it up Jac! I will get there eventually!
