Thursday, May 21, 2009

Still running 25 minutes!

No, that doesn't mean I'm running a 5K in 25 minutes. Not at all. I'm still not even sure that I'm ready to attempt a 5k yet, but I can manage to actually run 25 minutes without getting winded. It's still a very, very slow pace, but I'm doing it! I've done it every day this week so far. It hasn't been easy. I find the first 10 minute mark the worse. I want to quit about the 8 minute mark but once I over come that I'm okay. Still only doing it by doing laps in my rec room yet and still doing it bare feet.

I'm not sure if I told you about the bare feet factor before. :) I hate wearing anything on my feet and I haven't actually been fitted for runners yet. Maybe this weekend. We'll see. I haven't worried about it because I'm just running in my rec room but I'm going to need to get runners to actually get outside. I'm a little worried about the adjustment it will be for me to actually wear runners. I'd like to be able to find something that feels like nothing on your feet. I wonder is there anything out there like that?

Besides my regular inside runs I have actually had some outside walks this week. I have a pair of comfy shoes that I wear for that. I walked Monday and yesterday and I would have walked Tuesday but it was pouring rain and I don't have rain gear. I improved my distance and kept my speed up for both walks, though last night's walk was faster than Monday's. Last night I went for a walk with my long legged daughter and that helped me pick up my speed - I had no choice. :) We walked for 2.57km at a speed of 4.67km/hr!

I am still enjoying watching my total distance increase on my workout calendar on I'm up to 25.70km total now.


  1. Good for you Jac! You have inspired me to start again. I have done two walk/runs this week...only 8 minutes of running each time but that's okay by me. :0)

  2. wow! congratulations! a great feeling isn't it????
