Monday, February 9, 2009

Month 2 Week 2 - 4 minutes of walking in each session

The overall goal for this week is to do at least 12 minutes of running and 78 minutes of walking. The plan suggests that this time be spread out over three workouts, each one being at least 26 minutes of walking with at least 4 minutes of running.

What are your plans?


  1. Sounds good. I started this week on a Sunday because I was away on Thursday and Friday of last week and didn't have an opportunity to do any exercise. I did the treadmill on Sunday and Monday for 25 minutes each day. The setting I used did 7 minutes of slow, 10 minutes of medium and 8 minutes of running. I thought it would be really hard but it wasn't; I was really surprised. My Wiifit is now set up so I am going to use it tonight instead of the treadmill. I report how it goes. Keep it up everybody.

  2. I too am plugging along and for the most part enjoying exercising. I'm probably a little ahead of the plan; of my 30-40 min jog/walk I usually jog half or a little more. This is where I am and I continue to need to push myself to do more or else this is where I'll stay. I've come this far before but I really have my heart set on more. The 5 K is a reachable goal, I think, so I press on. I'm hoping to add some weights a couple of times a week, but I need a plan first. I'm working on it. I hope you're all progressing and enjoying the journey.

  3. Good going, Renee and Kristina! I was knocked out by a bug for a couple of weeks and then just couldn't motivate myself fo another week but I'm back with a vengenance this week. I've done 30 minutes, with at least 5 minutes of running in there three times this week all ready! It feels wonderful once I get it done but it's oh so hard sometimes just to start.
