Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Boot camp

There is a 6 week boot camp just starting at Canadian Living. I just tried to do some of the exercises for week one and THEY are tough(...for this couch potatoe anyway!) A friend of mine and I are going to try and do this for the duration. I only managed about 10 minutes of exercise tonite though.

Tomorrow I plan on completing day two of 'the running plan'. I am making sure I inform any of my running friends at work that I plan on doing a 5k in September...I figure this way I'll be pressured to follow through with this. I am struggling with it already though because when I come home from work all I want to do is surf and sleep!


  1. Just checked out the boot camp - it does look tough! I don't think I'm going to attempt it yet but maybe later.

  2. Hi Jac, It's a great idea to get people to write in and tell how they're progressing in their endeavour to get off the couch...and get active. Ha. I'm testing to see if this post will work.
