Monday, January 19, 2009

Week 3 - walk at least a total of 70 minutes this week

Don't let that goal scare you. It's actually less than the goal I posted last week. Let me explain.

I've been posting goals that don't really follow the plan I said we would be following. The goals I posted were more than called for in the plan. Some people were probably finding that daunting and were getting discouraged.

My sister and I chatted about this and I decided to change the way I post the goals for the week. I will now be posting the total minute goals according to the plan we are supposed to be following. It's up to you how you break those minutes up in the week. You can also, of course, set your own goal to do more or less as you deem appropriate for you.

That said, the goal for this week is to walk at least a total of 70 minutes. The plan suggests 15 minutes one day, 20 another, 15 another, and 20 another, but you can meet the goal anyway you like.

I've also been thinking that it would be a good idea to keep a journal of your progress each week. If you have a blog you could post to your blog, if you have a facebook account you could make a note about your progress, or you could just do an actual pen and paper journal. You can also, of course, report in here. We love reading about how you are doing.

Speaking about that, I am delighted to watch your list of participants grow. If you are joining us and haven't let us know yet, please do so that we can add your name to the list.

Anyway, I'm really late posting this today and need to get it posted so that I can go to bed. Can't wait to read all about your progress!


  1. I had a very good last week. Despite the bitter temperatures in St.John's I got out 5 times for a walk/jog around a nearby pond. I usually go around the pond twice which gives me a 35 minute workout,totaling about 4 kms each day. I don't expect every week to be like this, but I figure if I'm going to do it, I better have a strong start. I prefer to exercise outdoors, and if at all possible will do that over going on the treadmill. I love the sunny, crisp winter mornings and it's usually a time for me to spend with God too. I really enjoy those early morning encounters. A great start to my day. So bundle up and head outdoors, you'll feel great when you're done. So far this week I've gone Sunday morning and this morning (Tuesday). Monday was a rest day. I hope you're all encouraged to keep going, it's well worth it!!

  2. Wow Melissa! Sounds like you are already a very seasoned runner. There's no way I'm ready to do what you're doing yet - I'd probably end up in hospital, or worse, or experience burnout and quit - but that's the cool thing about this, everyone can go at their own pace. I have a feeling when we do the actual run we'll also be spread out far and wide in the route as we go our own pace, but we'll all met at the finish line. :) Keep up the good work and don't forget to let us know how yo'ure doing.

  3. Running 5 times last week in the temperatures we were having???? You obviously have more motivation than I have ever experienced. I find getting off my couch hard enough! :0)

    I did 20 minutes of my usual routine tonite. Plan on doing 15-20 tomorrow too.
